Influence and Navigating Politics
Respected influencers on accelerated career paths have a situational understanding of professional and emotional crosscurrents and posses emotional intelligence to employ proper responses to intense, real-time stimuli. Through appreciative inquiry and assessments (i.e., EQ-i), our coaches help you dissect your greatest victories and not-so-great flops to yield a lucid appreciation of your strongest behaviors to be exploited and reinforced, coupled with required pivots to truly excel.

While developing your predisposition for influence is of the essence for a leader, there will inevitably be specific scenarios—often identical in nature—that appear categorically impossible to crack. Berdéo Group’s coaches have a rare specialty in working with clients using evidence-based, Gestalt appreciative inquiry. This has clients arrive at the true essence of the problem, the barriers making it seemingly insurmountable, and the self-discovered, right solutions to make the right path seem so simple—with reusable learning for posterity.

With help from our seasoned experts, find yourself taking spontaneous and inspired right action that yields influence and advancement right here and now.