Five Practical Tips For Dealing With Burnout And Stressful Situations At Work

Researchers at Harvard Business School estimated that job burnout accounts for up to $190 billion in health care spending each year, and work-related stress can lead to a number of serious problems, including type two diabetes, coronary heart disease, gastrointestinal issues, high cholesterol and even death for those under the age of 45. Being overworked and putting in long hours aren’t the only ways you might experience burnout. Let’s take a look at some other causes of unwanted stress at work and how you can deal with them.

[bctt tweet=”Job burnout accounts for up to $190 billion in health care spending each year.”]

You got a promotion.

Congratulations! Being promoted is a great accomplishment. You are a valued employee and moving along your career path, but more responsibility and higher expectations can lead to added stress.

1. Know your breaking point. Everyone has stressful days at work. What shouldn’t be normal is habitual stress or anxiety. There is a little voice inside that tells us when we are stressed, but we often ignore it. Say to yourself right now, out loud, “I will stop when I hear the voice tell me I’m stressed.” The next time that happens, repeat the mantra. Then, stop and quickly write down what is making you feel stressed, angry, or overworked. Read through your notes at the end of the day or week. Over time, you will start to identify common themes. This will make you aware of the activities you need to avoid or modify in some way. This might mean saying “no” to certain types of projects, only checking your email during certain times or logging items in an app like Todoist in order to organize and delegate tasks. Journaling can also give you a different perspective and help you think of new ways to solve an issue after the heat of the moment has passed. Finding the root of some of your work-related stress can help you tackle the problem before it becomes bigger than you.

You always feel behind. 

Putting in too long of a workday might seem like a good way to cross things off of your list, but it’s likely making you less efficient. In turn, you feel less powerful, which increases your stress levels and leads to more hours at the office.

2. Set aside time to meditate. Take seven minutes every day to observe what I call “your monkey mind.” Meditation conditions you to be more attuned to adverse conditions in your body and diagnose feelings and their causes. That awareness of what’s going through your head can help you focus on what’s most important: you.

3. Incorporate walking meetings. Regular exercise improves productivity. Take that 20-minute meeting walking — indoors or out. It will give your body a break from the stress of sitting, create some variety and help clear your mind so you can make better decisions.

You’re going through yet another restructure.

Change in management will certainly shake things up around the office. Priorities get reshuffled. Coworkers might depart. Communication channels are altered. It takes everyone time to get acclimated and can be very stressful, but, as the saying goes, a dog in the hunt forgets it has fleas.

4. Offer to help. A new manager might be feeling just as overwhelmed with the new situation as everyone else. Take this as an opportunity to help. Understanding what is stressing the manager out and engaging in productive activity to break down that cause might relieve stress on both sides. If you don’t have time to take on more tasks, just listen and maybe offer some constructive consulting.

5. Take charge. New management might be laser-focused on adapting to the new role and might not have the line of sight to the true assets and liabilities afoot (at first). If you notice things lagging or failing, step up and prevent someone from taking the fall, which could domino into collective failure for the whole team. This time, when most people will be bleary-eyed and confused, is a great opportunity to shine when you’re a person who is able to muster a little strength. It is also a time when everyone is looking for — and won’t forget — leaders.

Before burnout gets the best of you, gain perspective to take control of your experience. Set boundaries and you will be remembered as the one calming force in the constant storm that can be today’s workplace.

This article originally appeared on Forbes Dec 30, 2019

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